Declutter your home & organize your life.

Do you often feel overwhelmed by clutter or feel like your home is swallowing you?

Do you find yourself cleaning up over & over again, but still feel as though it doesn’t make a difference?

Do you dream of entertaining for friends & family, but are ashamed of the mess?

Well, you have come to the right place!

With some guidance, the right tools, & vision, I believe anyone can become organized! Gain back the time to do things that spark joy in you.

As a Professional Organizer & certified KonMari® consultant, I am here for you every step of the way!

Whether you’re looking for an entire home refresh, a specific space, or want a DIY option with some help, I got your back!

Are you ready to transform your life?

Aloha! I’m Kaulana & I’m the owner of Spark Joy Hawaii, a professional organizing business, based on the Big Island of Hawaii & I wholeheartedly believe in the magic of tidying. Through tidying + organizing you can not only transform your spaces, but every aspect of your day-to-day routines! Together we will say goodbye to clutter & hello to a more calm, focused, & fulfilling life!


In-Home Decluttering + Organizing

Got a specific space that needs organizing + attention?

We can work together or I can do it for you (it’s completely up to you). Let me help you get what you need + are looking for in your space. Let’s maximize your space’s potential by implementing efficient systems together!

KonMari® Method Tidying

Want to go through Marie Kondo’s KonMari® process?

We will work on through the five categories together, identifying what sparks joy + discard or donate the rest with gratitude. Let me help you find that life-changing magic this process is sure to bring you!

Virtual or DIY Organizing

Don’t live on Hawai’i island or looking for a DIY option?

We can work together virtually or if you want a more DIY option, I can provide a specially designed plan for you to follow! Our virtual sessions can follow the KonMari method, or not. Again, completely up to you.

“The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.”

-Marie Kondo